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City and Guilds

  • 1 City and Guilds

    = diplôme britannique d'enseignement technique

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > City and Guilds

  • 2 City and Guilds Institute

    Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > City and Guilds Institute

  • 3 City and Guilds certificate

    City and Guilds certificate n certificat m d'aptitude professionnelle.

    Big English-French dictionary > City and Guilds certificate

  • 4 City and Guilds Institute n Brit

    istituto in cui è possibile conseguire vari diplomi a livello universitario in materie tecniche passando il relativo esame

    English-Italian dictionary > City and Guilds Institute n Brit

  • 5 City and Guilds of London Institute

    Институ́т Си́ти и ги́льдий Ло́ндона (высшее техническое учебное заведение. Основано в 1878 "ливрейными компаниями" [см. livery company] и муниципальным советом лондонского Сити [ City Corporation])

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > City and Guilds of London Institute

  • 6 City and Guilds of London Institute

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > City and Guilds of London Institute

  • 7 City and Guilds of London Institute

    Abbreviation: CGLI

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > City and Guilds of London Institute

  • 8 City and Guilds certificate

    nome = attestato di formazione professionale
    * * *
    nome = attestato di formazione professionale

    English-Italian dictionary > City and Guilds certificate

  • 9 City and Guilds certificate

    noun ≈ certificat m d'aptitude professionnelle

    English-French dictionary > City and Guilds certificate

  • 10 City and Guilds examination

    ['siti ænd (ënd) gildz egzæmë'neishën] n. Br.adm. dëshmi aftësie profesionale

    English-Albanian dictionary > City and Guilds examination

  • 11 Licentiateship of the City and Guilds Institute

    General subject: LCGI

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Licentiateship of the City and Guilds Institute

  • 12 city

    city [ˈsɪtɪ]
    1. noun
       a. (grande) ville f
    [streets] de la ville ; [offices, authorities] municipal
    city hall noun mairie f ; (in large towns) hôtel m de ville ; (US) ( = city authorities) administration f municipale
    ‼|/b] [b]city cité
    Si l'on sait que « The Big Apple » désigne la ville de New York (« apple » est un terme d'argot signifiant « grande ville »), on connaît moins les surnoms donnés aux autres grandes villes américaines. Chicago est surnommée « Windy City » à cause des rafales soufflant du lac Michigan, La Nouvelle-Orléans doit son nom de « Big Easy » à son style de vie décontracté, et l'industrie automobile a donné à Detroit son surnom de « Motown ».
    D'autres villes sont familièrement désignées par leurs initiales: « LA » pour Los Angeles, « Big D » pour Dallas, ou par des diminutifs: « Vegas » pour Las Vegas, « Frisco » pour San Francisco, « Philly » pour Philadelphie.
    * * *
    1) ( town) (grande) ville f
    2) GB

    English-French dictionary > city

  • 13 city

    plural - cities; noun
    1) (a very large town.) ciudad
    2) (a town, usually with a cathedral, granted special rights.) ciudad
    city n ciudad
    noun (pl cities)
    city centre centro de la ciudad, centro urbano
    city council SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL ayuntamiento, municipio
    city desk SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL sección nombre femenino de economía, SMALLUS/SMALL sección nombre femenino de noticias locales
    city editor SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL redactor,-ra financiero,-a, SMALLUS/SMALL redactor,-ra de noticias locales
    city hall SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL ayuntamiento
    the City SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL el centro financiero de Londres
    city ['sɪt̬i] n, pl cities : ciudad f
    ciudadano, -a adj.
    ciudad s.f.
    parte antigua de una ciudad s.f.
    población s.f.
    noun (pl cities)
    a) ciudad f; (before n)

    city centercentro m de la ciudad

    city councilayuntamiento m, municipio m

    city planner — (AmE) urbanista mf

    city planning — (AmE) urbanismo m

    b) City ( in UK)

    Cultural note:
    Es el área que se encuentra dentro de los límites de la antigua ciudad de Londres. Hoy en día es el centro financiero y de negocios de la capital. Allí tienen sus sedes centrales muchos bancos e instituciones financieras. A menudo, cuando se habla de The City, se está refiriendo a estas instituciones y no a la zona propiamente dicha
    N ciudad f

    the City(Brit) (Econ) el centro financiero de Londres

    CPD municipal, de la ciudad

    City and Guilds N(Brit) organismo examinador que concede titulaciones en cursos técnicos y especializados

    city break N — (Tourism) viaje m de corta duración a una gran ciudad

    city centre, city center (US) Ncentro m de la ciudad

    city council Nconcejo m municipal, ayuntamiento m

    city desk N(Brit) (Press) sección f de noticias financieras (de un periódico); (US) (Press) sección f de noticias de la ciudad (de un periódico)

    city dweller Nhabitante mf de una ciudad

    city editor Nredactor(a) m / f encargado(-a) de las noticias financieras

    city hall Npalacio m municipal; (US) ayuntamiento m

    city limits NPLperímetro msing urbano

    city manager Nadministrador(a) m / f municipal

    city news N(Brit) noticias fpl financieras; (US) noticias fpl de la ciudad

    city page N — (Econ) sección f de información financiera

    city plan N(US) plano m de la ciudad

    city planner N(US) urbanista mf

    city planning N(US) urbanismo m

    city slicker * Npej capitalino(-a) * m / f

    City Technology College N(Brit) Centro m de formación profesional

    CITY NICKNAMES Las ciudades estadounidenses a menudo tienen apodos por los que se las conoce informalmente. Por ejemplo, a Nueva York se la llama Big Apple, ya que apple en argot significa gran ciudad. Chicago es Windy City debido a los fuertes vientos que vienen del lago Michigan. A Nueva Orleans la llaman Big Easy, por la tranquilidad con la que se lo toman todo sus habitantes. Detroit tiene el apelativo de Motown, que es un compuesto de Motor y Town, por las fábricas de coches que hay en ella. A otras ciudades estadounidenses se las conoce por sus iniciales, como por ejemplo, Los Angeles, LA y Dallas, Big D o por una parte de su nombre como Vegas, en lugar de Las Vegas o Corpus por Corpus Christi, en Texas. También hay veces en las que se usa una versión acortada del nombre, como ocurre en el caso de San Francisco y Philadelphia, a las que se llama Frisco y Philly respectivamente.
    * * *
    noun (pl cities)
    a) ciudad f; (before n)

    city centercentro m de la ciudad

    city councilayuntamiento m, municipio m

    city planner — (AmE) urbanista mf

    city planning — (AmE) urbanismo m

    b) City ( in UK)

    Cultural note:
    Es el área que se encuentra dentro de los límites de la antigua ciudad de Londres. Hoy en día es el centro financiero y de negocios de la capital. Allí tienen sus sedes centrales muchos bancos e instituciones financieras. A menudo, cuando se habla de The City, se está refiriendo a estas instituciones y no a la zona propiamente dicha

    English-spanish dictionary > city

  • 14 city

    ['siti] n 1. qytet. 2. bashki (e qytetit). 3. qytet-shtet. 4. the City qendra financiare-tregtare e Londrës
    cities ['sitiz] qytetet
    City and Guilds examination ['siti ænd (ënd) gildz egzæmë'neishën] n. Br.adm. dëshmi aftësie profesionale
    city college ['siti'kolixh] n. amer. universitet i financuar nga qyteti
    city councilman ['siti'kaunsëlmæn] n. amer. këshilltar bashkiak
    city editor ['siti'editë:] n. amer. kryeredaktor për lajmet lokale
    city hall ['sitiho:l] n 1. godinë e bashkisë. 2. bashkia (nënpunësit)
    city manager ['siti'mænixhë:] n. amer. kryetar komune
    city planner ['siti'plænë:] n. amer. urbanist
    city police ['sitipë'li:s] n. amer. polici bashkiake
    city slicker ['siti 'slikë:] n. përb. qytetar i kapardisur (në sytë e banorëve të krahinës)
    * * *

    English-Albanian dictionary > city

  • 15 Blumlein, Alan Dower

    b. 29 June 1903 Hampstead, London, England
    d. 7 June 1942
    English electronics engineer, developer of telephone equipment, highly linear electromechanical recording and reproduction equipment, stereo techniques, video and radar technology.
    He was a very bright scholar and received a BSc in electrical technology from City and Guilds College in 1923. He joined International Western Electric (later to become Standard Telephone and Cables) in 1924 after a period as an instructor/demonstrator at City and Guilds. He was instrumental in the design of telephone measuring equipment and in international committee work for standards for long-distance telephony.
    From 1929 Blumlein was employed by the Columbia Graphophone Company to develop an electric recording cutterhead that would be independent of Western Electric's patents for the system developed by Maxfield and Harrison. He attacked the problems in a most systematic fashion, and within a year he had developed a moving-coil cutterhead that was much more linear than the iron-cored systems known at the time. Eventually Blumlein designed a complete line of recording equipment, from microphone and through-power amplifiers. The design was used by Columbia; after the merger with the Gramophone Company in 1931 to form Electrical and Musical Industries Ltd (later known as EMI) it became the company standard, certainly for coarse-groove records, until c.1950.
    Blumlein became interested in stereophony (binaural sound), and developed and demonstrated a complete line of equipment, from correctly placed microphones via two-channel records and stereo pick-ups to correctly placed loudspeakers. The advent of silent surfaces of vinyl records made this approach commercial from the late 1950s. His approach was independent and quite different from that of A.C. Keller.
    His extreme facility for creating innovative solutions to electronic problems was used in EMI's development from 1934 to 1938 of the electronic television system, which became the BBC standard of 405 lines after the Second World War, when television broadcasting again became possible. Independent of official requirements, EMI developed a 60 MHz radar system and Blumlein was involved in the development of a centimetric radar and display system. It was during testing of this aircraft mounted equipment that he was killed in a crash.
    Blumlein was inventor or co-inventor of well over 120 patents, a complete list of which is to be found in Burns (1992; see below). The major sound-recording achievements are documented by British patent nos. 350,954, 350,998, 363,627 (highly linear cutterhead, 1930) and 394,325 (reads like a textbook on stereo technology, 1931).
    Further Reading
    The definitive biography of Blumlein has not yet been written; the material seems to have been collected, but is not yet available. However, R.W.Burns, 1992, "A.D.Blumlein, engineer extraordinary", Engineering Science and Education Journal (February): 19– 33 is a thorough account. Also B.J.Benzimra, 1967, "A.D. Blumlein: an electronics genius", Electronics \& Power (June): 218–24 provides an interesting summary.

    Biographical history of technology > Blumlein, Alan Dower

  • 16 livery company

    «Ливрейная компания». Одна из восьмидесяти трёх гильдий лондонского Сити. Такие гильдии возникли в Средние века; их члены имеют особую форму одежды для торжественных церемоний. Сейчас они главным образом представляют из себя благотворительные и общественные организации. Некоторые, такие как портные (Merchant Taylors), галантерейщики (Haberdashers), торговцы шёлком и бархатом (Mercers), оказывают финансовую поддержку частным школам (public schools). Хотя ни одна из гильдий не является настоящим деловым предприятием, какие-то из них ещё сохраняют связь с отраслями, которые они изначально представляли, например, торговцы рыбой (Fishmongers). В 1878 г. все эти гильдии объединились и основали Институт Сити и гильдий Лондона (the City and Guilds of London Institute), который затем учредил Колледж Сити и гильдий (the City and Guilds College) при Имперском колледже науки и технологии (the Imperial College of Science and Technology), а также участвовал в других проектах технического образования.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > livery company

  • 17 Ayrton, William Edward

    b. 14 September 1847 London, England
    d. 8 November 1908 London, England
    English physicist, inventor and pioneer in technical education.
    After graduating from University College, London, Ayrton became for a short time a pupil of Sir William Thomson in Glasgow. For five years he was employed in the Indian Telegraph Service, eventually as Superintendent, where he assisted in revolutionizing the system, devising methods of fault detection and elimination. In 1873 he was invited by the Japanese Government to assist as Professor of Physics and Telegraphy in founding the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokyo. There he created a teaching laboratory that served as a model for those he was later to organize in England and which were copied elsewhere. It was in Tokyo that his joint researches with Professor John Perry began, an association that continued after their return to England. In 1879 he became Professor of Technical Physics at the City and Guilds Institute in Finsbury, London, and later was appointed Professor of Physics at the Central Institution in South Kensington.
    The inventions of Avrton and Perrv included an electric tricycle in 1882, the first practicable portable ammeter and other electrical measuring instruments. By 1890, when the research partnership ended, they had published nearly seventy papers in their joint names, the emphasis being on a mathematical treatment of subjects including electric motor design, construction of electrical measuring instruments, thermodynamics and the economical use of electric conductors. Ayrton was then employed as a consulting engineer by government departments and acted as an expert witness in many important patent cases.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1881. President, Physical Society 1890–2. President, Institution of Electrical Engineers 1892. Royal Society Royal Medal 1901.
    28 April 1883, British patent no. 2,156 (Ayrton and Perry's ammeter and voltmeter). 1887, Practical Electricity, London (based on his early laboratory courses; 7 edns followed during his lifetime).
    1892, "Electrotechnics", Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 21, 5–36 (for a survey of technical education).
    Further Reading
    D.W.Jordan, 1985, "The cry for useless knowledge: education for a new Victorian technology", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 132 (Part A): 587– 601.
    G.Gooday, 1991, History of Technology, 13: 73–111 (for an account of Ayrton and the teaching laboratory).

    Biographical history of technology > Ayrton, William Edward

  • 18 Barnaby, Kenneth C.

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. c.1887 England
    d. 22 March 1968 England
    English naval architect and technical author.
    Kenneth Barnaby was an eminent naval architect, as were his father and grandfather before him: his grandfather was Sir Nathaniel Barnaby KGB, Director of Naval Construction, and his father was Sydney W.Barnaby, naval architect of John I. Thornycroft \& Co., Shipbuilders, Southampton. At one time all three were members of the Institution of Naval Architects, the first time that this had ever occurred with three members from one family.
    Kenneth Barnaby served his apprenticeship at the Thornycroft shipyard in Southampton and later graduated in engineering from the Central Technical College, South Kensington, London. He worked for some years at Le Havre and at John Brown's shipyard at Clydebank before rejoining his old firm in 1916 as Assistant to the Shipyard Manager. In 1919 he went to Rio de Janeiro as a chief ship draughtsman, and finally he returned to Thornycroft, in 1924 he succeeded his father as Naval Architect, and remained in that post until his retirement in 1955, having been appointed a director in 1950.
    Barnaby had a wide knowledge and understanding of ships and ship design and during the Second World War he was responsible for much of the development work for landing craft, as well as for many other specialist ships built at the Southampton yard. His experience as a deep-sea yachtsman assisted him. He wrote several important books; however, none can compare with the Centenary Volume of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. In this work, which is used and read widely to this day by naval architects worldwide, he reviewed every paper presented and almost every verbal contribution made to the Transactions during its one hundred years.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    OBE 1945. Associate of the City and Guilds Institute. Royal Institution of Naval Architects Froude Gold Medal 1962. Honorary Vice-President, Royal Institution of Naval Architects 1960–8.
    c.1900, Marine Propellers, London. 1949, Basic Naval Architecture, London.
    1960, The Institution of Naval Architects 1860–1960, London.

    Biographical history of technology > Barnaby, Kenneth C.

  • 19 Holtzapffel, John Jacob

    b. June 1836 London, England
    d. 14 October 1897 Eastbourne, Sussex, England
    English mechanical engineer and author of several volumes of Turning and Mechanical Manipulation.
    John Jacob Holtzapffel was the second son of Charles Holtzapffel and was educated at King's College School, London, and at Cromwell House, Highgate. Following the death of his father in 1847 and of his elder brother, Charles, at the age of 10, he was called on at an early age to take part in the business of lathe-making and turning founded by his grandfather. He made many improvements to the lathe for ornamental turning, but he is now remembered chiefly for the continuation of his father's publication Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. J.J. Holtzapffel produced the fourth volume, on Plain Turning, in 1879, and the fifth, on Ornamental Turning, in 1884. In 1894 he revised and enlarged the third volume, but the intended sixth volume was never completed. J.J.Holtzapffel was admitted to the Turners' Company of London in 1862 and became Master in 1879. He was associated with the establishment of the Turners' Competition to encourage the art of turning and was one of the judges for many years. He was also an examiner for the City and Guilds of London Institute and the British Horological Institute. He was a member of the Society of Arts and a corresponding member of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. He was elected an Associate of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1863 and became an Associate Member after reorganization of the classes of membership in 1878.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Master, Turners' Company of London 1879.
    1879, Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. IV: Plain Turning, London; 1884, Vol. V: The Principles and Practice of Ornamental or Complex Turning, London; reprinted 1894; reprinted 1973, New York.

    Biographical history of technology > Holtzapffel, John Jacob

  • 20 Stuart, Herbert Akroyd

    b. 1864 Halifax, England
    d. 1927 Perth, Australia
    English inventor of an oil internal-combustion engine.
    Stuart's involvement with engines covered a period of less than ten years and was concerned with a means of vaporizing the heavier oils for use in the so-called oil engines. Leaving his native Yorkshire for Bletchley in Buckinghamshire, Stuart worked in his father's business, the Bletchley Iron and Tin Plate works. After finishing grammar school, he worked as an assistant in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the City and Guilds of London Technical College. He also formed a connection with the Finsbury Technical College, where he became acquainted with Professor William Robinson, a distinguished engineer eminent in the field of internal-combustion engines.
    Resuming work at Bletchley, Stuart carried out experiments with engines. His first patent was concerned with new methods of vaporizing the fuel, scavenging systems and improvement of speed control. Two further patents, in 1890, specified substantial improvements and formed the basis of later engine designs. In 1891 Stuart joined forces with R.Hornsby and Sons of Grantham, a firm founded in 1815 for the manufacture of machinery and steam engines. Hornsby acquired all rights to Stuart's engine patents, and their superior technical resources ensured substantial improvements to Stuart's early design. The Hornsby-Ackroyd engines, introduced in 1892, were highly successful and found wide acceptance, particularly in agriculture. With failing health, Stuart's interest in his engine work declined, and in 1899 he emigrated to Australia, where in 1903 he became a partner in importing gas engines and gas-producing plants. Following his death in 1927, under the terms of his will he was interred in England; sadly, he also requested that all papers and materials pertaining to his engines be destroyed.
    July 1886, British patent no. 9,866 (fuel vapourization methods, scavenging systems and improvement of speed control; the patent describes Stuart as Mechanical Engineer of Bletchley Iron Works).
    1890, British patent no. 7,146 and British patent no. 15,994 (describe a vaporizing chamber connected to the working cylinder by a small throat).
    Further Reading
    D.Clerk, 1895, The Gas and Oil Engine, 6th edn, London, pp. 420–6 (provides a detailed description of the Hornsby-Ackroyd engine and includes details of an engine test).
    T.Hornbuckle and A.K.Bruce, 1940, Herbert Akroyd Stuart and the Development of the Heavy Oil Engine, London: Diesel Engine Users'Association, p. 1.

    Biographical history of technology > Stuart, Herbert Akroyd

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  • City status in the United Kingdom — Cathedral city redirects here. For other uses, see Cathedral city (disambiguation). Historically, city status in England and Wales was associated with the presence of a cathedral, such as York Minster. City status in the United Kingdom is granted …   Wikipedia

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